Monday, August 11, 2014

BPS Review - Stamping Plate D14

We all know Aztec nails can be tricky to do, free hand, so if you're looking for an easy way out, this stamping plate is what you need! 

It came with its protective blue plastic cover and no scratches on the plate. The edges are quite sharp but not enough to cut yourself with. My first impression was that the images were very deep and well sketched. Very promising!!

Close-up of all the designs, have you seen how cute that cactus is??

I used Konad special polish in black to do the review, to make sure the polish wouldn't be faulty. 

First, I did a gradient using Catrice - Burning down the Arena and BPS Candy Color Nail Polish n°005 which you can find the review HERE, over Essie - Blanc. Then i used 4 images to make sure they were all the same quality. And let's talk quality! It's actually pretty good! On the level of Bundle Monster or GALS. It's not Moyou but it's also cheaper and those designs were just so cute and perfect for Aztec nails!

You can see there's some spots where the black is missing but i haven't stamped for a while so that is most likely on my part rather than the plate.

What about the size, you shall ask. Well it's perfect for short nails, that's for sure, but it also works for a tad longer nails, just not super long (like most regular stamping plates) My nails are quite long at the moment and it was the longest they could be for using those images.

Does the Stamping Queen recommends this plate? YES!

If you are interested in grabbing one for yourself, you can find it HERE. Don't forget to use our coupon code that BPS so nicely offered us:
If +10 people use this code, BPS will sponsor a giveaway for NPQ!

To see the review on BPQ Candy Color Polish n°005, it's HERE.
To see the review on the cute Owls water decals, it's HERE.

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