Saturday, March 28, 2015

NPQ Challenge - Tribal - Showcase

We had such lovely manis last week for the Tribal Weekly Challenge! We had some freehand, some stamping, some dotting, vinyls... glitter, texture, holos, etc. :) We were all over the place. Enjoy a selection from the terrific offerings. :)

milady shakespeare

Elie Corzo

Victoria Eaves

Dante Bianchino

Anatasia Kamelia


Keely Gallagher

Fabiana N

Magali Neuville-Bisceglia

This week, we are celebrating Spring with flowers!! Come and show us your softer side!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

NPQ Challenge - St. Patrick - Showcase

Last week, we went green!! We celebrated St. Patrick's day with green, gold, rainbows and  shamrocks. Quite a showing from our lovely members! Below is a selection of those gorgeous manis.


This week, we are doing tribal nail art! Come join us. :)

Saturday, March 14, 2015

NPQ Challenge - Smooshattack - Showcase

Ouchie, the pressure! Like +Magali Neuville-Bisceglia had big shoes to fill taking over the Weekly Challenge, I feel the same about doing the blog posts and showcasing. That being said, it is exciting to do something new... so here I go! But before that, thanks Mags for doing such a wonderful job with the showcase every week. I will try not to make a big mess of it. XD

Last week, we indulged our inner child with a good old-fashioned messy technique. Smooshattack!  It is from Instagram popularized by Elle Wood. It was wonderful to see the enthusiasm among the members. :) Some of us had an easier time of it than others, but I think invariably we enjoyed it tremendously. Without further ado, here is a selection of the manis from the Smooshattack challenge! 



This week, we are going green! Leprechauns are welcome! Our weekly challenge is... drum roll please.... St Patrick. :) Need some ideas? Want to show off your St Patty's Day mani? Get to the stream. :D

Sunday, March 8, 2015

NPQ Challenge - Watermarble Wraps - Showcase

Last week on NPQ we tried the watermarble wraps technique. Watermarble, you either love or hate it. But at least doing the decal technique is less messy, longer to do yes but waaaay less messy!
Before showcasing the manis we've seen throughout the week, I have a little announcement: I, +Magali Neuville-Bisceglia is passing out the blog on to +Fabiana N . It wa a pleasure selecting the manis to showcase every weeks since the start of the blog, thank you to all the NPQ members for participating in our weekly challenge so we can make this blog rich of nail art! 
I'm sure Fabs will do a great job taking it over!
And without further ado, here are the manis we've seen last week for the watermarble wraps challenge:

(is it me or there's a color theme in all our members manis ??!! :))


That's it for me, next's week showcase of 'smooshattack' will be brought to you by Fabs!
See ya ladies!