Maybe the first and only challenge that interested our men, and how hard was it to chose only a few manicures to showcase here.
+Michael Anthony Bisceglia was the judge of this challenge and he said that they were all great and it was a very tough choice.
+Magali Neuville-Bisceglia - Resident Evil
"Yeah total Fan Boy" - Mike
+Fabiana N - Final Fantasy VII
"There's no other Final Fantasy ;)" - Mike
+Jessica Guilbe - Pacman
"Om Nom nom nom" - Mike
+Victoria Eaves - Borderland 2
"And their kids were all WAAAAA" - Mike
+Jessica Garcia - WET
"Really captured the style" - Mike
+Elie Corzo - Gauntlet Legends
"Totally Retro!" - Mike
+Feather Stolzenbach - Bioshock Infinite
"More fun than a murder of Crows" - Mike
+roa' hamouda - Angry Birds
"Oink Oink, weeeeeeee" - Mike
+Sarah Short - PONG
"I used to have that..." - Mike
+Magali Neuville-Bisceglia - Portal
"It was a triumph, i'm making a note here, huge success" - Mike
Thank you everyone for participating, see you next time, I will leave you with +Mary Daniel for the last words:
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