Thursday, November 14, 2013

NPQ Challenge - The Hunger Games - Showcase

For last week's challenge on NPQ, flames, arrows, mockingjays and Effie Trinket were all over the place.
Here is a selected few of the challenge manicures made by our talented members:

Flames and Coal by +Lauren Mekalian

Arrows, fire, coal ...etc by +Lis Padro

Flames, Katniss and a mockingjay by +Victoria Eaves

District 8 & co by +Margriet Sijperda

And for the nails inspired by Effie Trinket:

+Feather Stolzenbach did a spot on recreation of one of Effie's dress

+Mary Daniel got inspired by Effie's make up

+Deinitisa Amarawi got inspired by Effie Trinket 

Many more beautiful manicure to see on NPQ!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for showcasing!
    I really had fun doing this challenge...
    and best of all..saw the first movie again and we are so going to see the other one!
